Alexander Romer ensures prompt service work

Our team of approximately 100 on-site service engineers is at the heart of our service expertise. Today, we will introduce one of our employees who is responsible for training and coordinating them: Alexander Romer.
Alexander, how long have you been with us and what is your role at Uhlmann?
I joined Uhlmann over 33 years ago as an installer for pre-assembly and final assembly, and I had the opportunity to travel to many different countries as an end installer. As well as Europe, my work took me to the USA, Indonesia and China, for example. In 2004, I took over team management in the Field Service department, and I currently have around 60 service engineers in my team, which I lead and train together with my colleagues. Our dispatchers ensure that the right service engineer is assigned to the right customer at the right time. I am also available as a contact partner for customers and our subsidiaries.
What is the most interesting part of your work for you?
I am in contact with various people from different cultures with my team members, my colleagues from the subsidiaries or with customers. Over time, this has developed into a global network. You feel at home all over the world, and have contacts in almost every country. These international acquaintances often also develop into friendships.
My work is also extremely varied, and no two days are the same. There are always new problems that need to be solved as soon as possible. This is sometimes exhausting, but monotony is not for me – I need action!
In your view, what makes the Uhlmann Service department unique?
The various ServicePlus modules that customers can use to make individual selections, and the combination of telephone hotline, remote service and on-site service. Whether on the telephone, digitally or on-site, we have fantastic experts who provide expert assistance. This means we can prevent machine breakdowns and ensure that systems have a long service life. Ultimately, we play our part in ensuring that medications are reliably available across the world.
Are there any particular moments you look back on fondly?
On several occasions, I have turned up at a customer location wearing my suit and shirt to address a difficult problem – and then ended up lying under the machine two hours later with my sleeves rolled up. My contact partners are often a bit bemused by this. However, with my many years of experience, I am sometimes able to find an immediate practical solution.
What do you appreciate about Uhlmann?
We are extremely willing to help one another and everyone is very motivated. It is also good to see how the people here are able to develop. Many start out as Service Engineers and learn a lot of new things, so that they are then able to swap to the Customer Service department, for example. We are also a really good team, and each of us looks out for everyone else. So a big thank you goes out to my colleagues!